Tuesday, February 17, 2015

EOS Lip Balm allergy?


Haven't been on this in over a year and i guess i have a lot of stories to catch you up on, but first a post about a recent struggle.

For Christmas 2014 I got a gift from my work which was the Costco back of the EOS lip balms. I was so excited to try these because I LOVE chapstick and my lips get murdered in the winter from the dry freezing cold. My sisters, bloggers, friends just about everybody has these right? So when I got home I showed my sister (who has the whole collection) and just told me how much she loved these. The passion fruit one was the first one I used, then just tried on the rest to see which smell I loved best. I stuck with the passion fruit and was using it all night and the next day. It was not even 24 hours my lips were itching and killing me and I was thinking they were just flaring up from the weather so I applied more if the lip balm. The next more they were itching and burning so bad that I was freaking out and went to tell K:I what was going on. She told me I might have an allergy to something in those balms. I stopped using them and went strictly on Carmex only. It took about 2 weeks but they finally heeled up.

So 3 nights ago I was going to bed and my lips needed chapstick, I didn't want to go downstairs to get something for them but I still had the pink EOS in my bathroom, so I did one quick swipe and went to bed. When I woke up the next morning my lips were on fire and itching. I knew it was from the EOS balm. I was so frustrated and I am never using them again.

I wish the story ended there. So they have been non stop itching and applying Carmex like its nobody's business. Yesterday they were itching so bad that I couldn't help but scratch them a little. I guess a little too much because my lip developed a rash, it was still itching and I kept scratching, although I tried not to. My rash turned into something else and flared up and is now burning and itching. So this is where I am at right now.

This morning I woke up and found K:I had her last EOS balms in the garbage.

Hope this helps someone.